Why Your African Violet is Not Blooming

There are several reasons why your African Violet may not be blooming. Under normal conditions it should bloom year round. If it isn't blooming the first thing to check would be the light. It may be that the African Violet isn't getting enough light. Try moving it to a bright window or try to put it under florescent growing lights.
Another thing to try is giving it a bit of fertilizer. Every time you water it, give it a bit of fertilizer. Dilute it to ¼ the strength listed on the packaging. Sometimes repotting the African Violet will give it the boost it needs to start blooming again. Do this only if it has been in its pot for a long time.
Sometimes African Violets will get suckers on them the will use up all of its energy and keep it from blooming. Try removing these suckers, and see if it starts to bloom. African Violets also bloom best when they are root bound. So, you will want to make sure it is potted in a pot about 1/3 the size of the plant.
If you are having issues with your African Violet not blooming make sure to give these tips a try.

What to Do if Your African Violet Forms a Long Stem or Neck

If your African Violet gets a long neck or stem what you will want to do is re-root it. Using a sharp blade or your fingernail scrape the stem to expose the inner tissue. Put a bit of rooting hormone on the stem. 

Now you will want to bury the stem in the soil. You will more than likely need to cut off some or even all of the root ball. The buried part of the stem will begin to produce new roots. 

You will also want to remove all of the blossoms so all of the energy goes to forming the new roots.

What is a Chimera

A Chimera is a very unique type of African Violet. With this type of African Violet you cannot reproduce it from a leaf. The blooms are also rather unique, they have a pinwheel type pattern to them. It is a rather unique and beautiful African Violet.

Quick Way to Dry Herbs

Here is a simple and quick way to dry your herbs.
Just place a sheet of newspaper on the seat of your car and place your herbs in a single layer. Keep your car out in the sun with the doors closed and the windows up. In no time your herbs will be dry.
An added side-effect of drying your herbs this way is your car will smell great.

Control Damping Off Fungus

If you have any issue with damping off fungus attacking your seedlings, I've got a simple solution for you.
If you are an herbal tea drinker, then you might already have the solution in your cupboard. Chamomile tea can be used to control damping off fungus. To use it just put a bit of the chamomile tea on the soil around the base of the seedlings. 

Another way to use it is to add the tea to a spray bottle, and spray the seedlings.