Repairing Snow Mold Damage

The winter months can cause a lot of damage to your grass. One of the main things it can do to a person’s lawn is cause  snow mold. Snow mold can be caused from the snow sitting on the grass for too long during the winter months. Many times if you don’t cut your grass short enough before the winter it will get matted down by the snow and cause the snow mold.
Snow mold is a fungal disease that will cause brown circles in your grass. These circle can range in size from really small to around a foot in circumference. There are several different types of snow mold, some which won’t damage your lawn too much, and others will pretty much destroy it.
So, what do you do if you have snow mold? The best thing you can do is to rake up these brown spots really well and plant grass seed throughout the damaged area. Just loosen up the soil a bit with your rake and sprinkle in some grass seed that grows well in your area. Your local nursery should be able to tell you which grass seed is best for your area and the amount of sun and traffic it gets. The bag of grass seed will tell you how much to apply. It is usually around 5lbs for every 1000 square feet. 

Now you want to get the seed in good contact with the soil. If you have a roller, that would work best, however if you don’t just rake the area a bit to get that soil, seed contact. Now just top dress the area with some straw or fertilized mulch you can find at your garden center, and water frequently.
There are different fungicides that are made to treat snow molds, some work, and some don’t. Your best bet is to just repair the area by adding new grass seed.