How to Grow Asparagus

Ideally, asparagus are planted when the soil can be managed already. The best time for planting asparagus is any time during the spring. Early spring is better. The soil where you will plant asparagus should also have a good mix of compost, manure, and garden soil in order to provide proper nutrition and nourishment. These are just some of the basics that you need to know, if you want to grow asparagus.

To give you a more detailed guide on how to grow asparagus, please see the list below:

You know when spring is coming when you start seeing asparagus all over the market. But have you ever considered growing How to Grow Asparagussome for your own consumption? Actually, if you are conscious about your health, growing your own food provides better results, since you know what comes into your mouth. Of course, you would like to stay away from foods that are contaminated with chemicals, and choose foods that were organically grown, which translates into food that is safe to eat.

The first thing that you have to know about asparagus is that it is very choosy when it comes to climate. Asparagus grows better when you live in areas where the ground freezes during the winter time. But it can also grow equally good in areas where the land is super dry during the summer. Anywhere in between (ex. Wet summers, mild winters) will not be good for growing asparagus. So what I am saying is that you have to know whether or not your area can grow asparagus.

The second thing you need to understand when it comes to planting asparagus is that they take a lot of time growing! Let’s say you want to start from scratch (seeds), this will take you 3 years at the very least to start seeing the long strands. Now, if you want to shorten the growing period, then you can start with the crowns already, which is possible, because crowns can be purchase from farmer’s market, garden supply stores, or even online. Growing asparagus from crowns will only require 2 years, which is still lengthy, but at least you were able to cut a year of waiting.

 Harvesting Asparagus

After waiting for 2 to 3 years, you will be able to harvest asparagus already. However, it can be hard to tell how much harvest will you yield, as the procedure of growing asparagus can be a bit challenging, wherein transferring the asparagus into a different soil (which is needed when the asparagus have already developed roots), can still damage it and kill the spears.

Normally, you know when your asparagus is ready to be harvested when the tips are kind of loosened already. Another sign is its height. If the spears have already reached at least 6 inches, then this is the right time for you to cut it, and enjoy your long awaited harvest.

These are the different ways and tips that you might want to consider, if you want to know how to grow asparagus the right way.

image courtesy of one|27/flickr